Monday, June 22, 2015

Day 21-25

Day 21-25

The point of this whole30 for me was to reset my body and reset the way I feel and think about food, my relationship with food if you will...

It definitely has.
Yesterday, someone brought in a whole sheet cake for breakfast to share with the office. I walked by it, smelled it from a distance, but was not aching to have a piece like I would have 22 days ago. The only thing I still crave is pizza. hot melty cheese and garlicky bread and marinara sauce... but I can resist it.

I do best diet wise with rules. lots of rules that are pretty straight forward, for me, the NO, NO, NO thing helps, obviously this isn't a forever way of eating, but it works to reset my mindset.
No Grain, No Refined Sugar, No legumes, No Dairy, NO PROCESSED FOODS...

After my 30 days I may do 7 extra days. "Time of the Month" should show up before the end of my 30, and I want to get "real" results, so would like to see if on day 30 I weigh and measure less, then again weigh and measure on day 37 check to see what happened after the extra week.. see if on whole30 I bloat or have hormonal breakouts. Right now, my skin looks awesome. I have 3 or 4 blemishes but they aren't the cystic welt-like-horror-show that I normally would have around this time. I think they may be from the expired MAC sunscreen I used on Saturday, and maybe also sun exposure, or maybe this is what happens when you have a normal amount of hormones in your system, instead of extra from food.

Oh, and I cheated.. I had French fries. Saturday was day 25, and it was Boyfriend and my 5 year anniversary, we went to a waterpark in Washington for the day and then came back into town and went to a dive bar we used to live very close to, and I got a two patty burger with egg, ham, bacon lettuce, onion and tomato (no bun or cheese) They were restaurant French fries, so I don't feel AS guilty as I would if I had eaten a piece of chocolate or some cheese or something. plus we were exhausted and starving.. we walked a LOT on Saturday. that is another reason I want to keep doing this for 7 days. JUST IN CASE the potato, ham and bacon threw me off...? I don't know.. haha.



Sunday, June 7, 2015

If I'm not prepared, I'm not excited.

So yesterday we went to the beach. We stopped at the store to get snacks, I picked up hard boiled eggs and tomatoes, but I couldn't bring myself to buy the eggs because thinking about eating them made me feel.. bleh. if I don't plan my meals out ahead of time, I have noticed that I am hungry but the thought of food is tedious. I had a coffee, and grape tomatoes at the beach and then when we came home I got ready to go out. Last night we went bar hopping with some friends downtown Portland, I needed to eat some protein, but we only had sausages defrosted, or eggs... so I had one chicken sausage that I heated up in the microwave.. bleh...

Saturday, June 6, 2015

What is happening?


So, just wanted to post an update regarding some things that I have noticed so far.

One. I am sick. I have a bad cold and the symptoms started on day 3 of Whole30. I haven't used a single cough drop or any kind of cold medicine for my symptoms. If I start to have a coughing fit I drink some hot water or tea, and let it pass. the hot water helps a lot. melts the crap in my throat and soothes any itch or tickle. It's not too bad. Only had bad sleep the night before last. Then last night I drank like 3 sips of sleepy time tea, slept through the night and didn't cough once. WHAT? :)

Two. My acne got much better in the beginning, so I stopped taking the antibiotic and stopped using Proactiv and my jawline looks like it was stung by 7 bees. It's horrible. I have two horns growing on my forehead too. So I started taking the antibiotic again, and also using Proactiv twice a day... maybe I can get off these at some point but NOT now..

Monday, June 1, 2015

Day 1-6 WholeWhitney

So, I started my whole eating. I want to share some stats.

On Day 1

I am 27 years old.
I weigh 248lbs.
I am 5'7"

Arms: 17.25 in
Waist: 48.42 in
Hips: 41.33 in
Thighs: 33.85 in

I was pretty bad on my first 3 days because I didn't eat breakfast. I had coffee and water in the morning. for lunch I had two eggs and two handfuls of almonds and on Thursday and Friday I had 4 bites of cantaloupe with my lunch.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 0 of my Whole30-? Journey.

Today is May 26, 2015 and I am fat. Not even talking shit about myself it's the truth. I am super out of shape right now. I feel grotesque. So tomorrow, I am starting my first Whole30. It might turn into Whole45 or Whole90 or Whole365. All I know is that everything I am doing right now is not good. I need some serious rules and guidelines to follow strictly.

A primal type lifestyle worked for me before. Two years ago I was Paleo for about 3 months. I lost about 36 lbs and felt amazing! I had clear skin, and no gas or bloating.. haha. gas. I really enjoyed cooking and learned a lot about what to do in the kitchen during those three months. I got tripped up at Christmas time and I would like to blame my first visit to Texas for three weeks and my mom who was showing me all the fat food that Texas has to offer that she had discovered since moving there, "because it's the holidays".
Obviously Texas and my mom didn't force me to eat 30000 carbs and sugars.. that was all me. I did Paleo for three months with ZERO exercise and lost over 35 lbs without being hungry like ever. When I came back from Texas my mindset was I could just eat normally and workout and lose the same amount with the carbs and sugars in my diet.. yeah.. no.

I hate exercising. HATE IT. especially now that I am in horrible shape. let me explain how out of shape I am.